Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yeah, What They Said....

I was tooling around the internet today trying to find information on flax seed oil, seeds and ground flax when I came upon this statement:

"The best way to lose weight is to eat nutritiously -If your body is getting the nutrients it needs, then it will not crave the "bad" or nutrition-LESS food that are empty calories that easily cause weight gain."

Yep, that is exactly what I have been experiencing. I have been eating healthy, enjoyable foods. I don't have a list of "good" and "bad" foods. I don't exert my willpower over my portions to make sure they are small. I just eat. I make sure I have P.O.L.F. at every one of the 3 major meals of the day and then I don't think too much about what I'll eat at snack time, I just eat.

But the funny thing is, at snack time I CRAVE healthy foods. I'd rather have an apple than a bag of chips. Really, me! Now, I've had a craving or two for "something sweet". And if I do, when I do, I eat something sweet. About an hour ago I wanted some chocolate. I ate a See's candy chocolate ball that is about the size of a nickel and enjoyed it and WALKED AWAY SATISFIED.

I didn't have to fight not eating another one (and there were more) I just was satisfied with one. And I totally forgot about the chocolate until just now as I'm typing the example. And now that I remember they are over there I don't feel the irresistible urge to go get another one. As a matter of fact, I just picked up a banana to eat. I am not forcing myself to eat a banana over chocolate, I prefer the banana over chocolate. Did you hear what I said? I PREFER A BANANA OVER CHOCOLATE!!!!

I don't know if you realize how MONUMENTAL this is for me!!!!!

During the past 2 weeks I have not exerted my willpower much at all. And when I do have to use a little self control, (like when my taste buds wanted me to keep eating the delicious sausage and risotto stuffed bell pepper I made the other night but I was full and it was time to stop) I find it easy to do. Really, only 2 weeks of eating nutrient dense food (and I'll be honest some junk but not much) and I can easily say "no more" when I'm full!!!!! Not stuffed full but satisfied.

Okay what about the results so far? I would still say they are good. I continue to feel good and have lots energy. My moods are more even also. I swear my shirts are less tight around the tummy. My husband even noticed that they seemed looser and I didn't mention it to him that I thought they were fitting differently.

And the "big" question? (pun intended) The scale? It moved a pound and a half down today. One pound isn't really proof that this is working for shedding weight yet but I'm still optimistic. I still am holding to the belief that my body needs to heal a bit from the nutritional famine I've made myself experience and then once my body hears the message that there is plenty of nutrition to go around the weight will snowball off of me.

Stay tuned......

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