Thursday, June 2, 2011

Continued Sucess

I'm down 5 pounds so far.  Pretty darn good for eating whatever I want.  Of course "what I want" is now different!  Last night, all I could think about was having delicious salmon and salad for dinner.  Really, that is what sounded like the perfect meal and that is, in fact, what I did have. 

Of course I am feeling guilty this morning.....but not about what I ate but how much I paid for it!  I paid $19.99 lb for wild-caught salmon last night.  Yikes!  I know, I know, I should have waited until it was on sale.  I've gotten wild salmon for $6.99 lb before.  But I've been craving it for about a week now and I just HAD TO HAVE IT! 

Oh and it was soooo delicious....I over cooked it by like a minute or two but it wasn't ruined. The salad was heavenly also.  Spring greens with cucumber and the sweetest organic grape tomatoes.  Topped with homemade ranch dressing.  Mmmmm, I'm still dreaming about it.  I only wish there was enough for lunch today!  The 2 kids in the house who do like salmon and I finished it off!

The good news is, my husband and 1 of my kids don't like salmon so that made the meal a little cheaper.  They had a lovely steak and salad.  No, the steak wasn't grass fed but I'm working on that......

I've found a local rancher who sells grass-fed beef at a price I think we can afford (eek).  I also found a local chicken and pork farmer that I think we can afford (eek again).  It will mean revamping our budget and making some different choices but I am determined to get the most wholesome food into me and my family's bodies!

I will let you know how it goes with the search for local, grass-fed, free-range, naturally raised meat!  For now, I continue onward (or rather downward in pounds).  I am LOVING this way of eating.  I feel good, I am not hungry, I'm not feeling deprived in the least and the scale is moving in the right direction.


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