Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And Now....For Something Completely Different!

I haven't blogged in a while because, well, I haven't been losing weight or even trying to. Since this is a weight-loss blog I haven't written because I haven't had much to say on the subject...until now. I have stumbled onto a new weight-loss idea and have started following the recommendations. It is going, very, very well and I haven't even lost any weight yet =}!

Here are the basics of the plan/idea:

Those of us who are overweight are that way because our bodies want to be fat. We have told our bodies to keep fat on us. Fat people's bodies are holding on to fat for one or both of the following reasons:

1) We have told our bodies to hold on to fat because we are starving ourselves of nutrients or calories (yo-yo dieting) thus putting it in a "famine state" and God designed our bodies to conserve fat in a famine.

and/or for some people,

2) We have told our bodies to create and keep a fat layer to protect us from emotional/physical harm.

The hypothesis of this weight loss idea (it's not a "diet") is if you give you body plenty of nutrient dense food your brain will stop thinking there is a "famine" and shed the weight. However, if your heart is holding on to the fat also you need to address the emotional reason(s) why you feel the need to protect yourself with extra physical layers or the weight will not come off.

There is more to the plan than this but this is the first step: Eat! Eat often! Eat plenty! And when you eat, eat the best most nutritious foods possible. Tell your body with every bite that there is plenty of food and it has the nutrients the body needs to function properly. The first habit to form is, at every meal your plate must have P.O.L.F. (Protein, Omega 3's and Live Food). I made up the acronym, ain't it cute?

So, for the past 4 days I have eaten whenever I am hungry, for the most part whatever I want until I am full as long as at every meal on my plate there is P.O.L.F. There's that cute acronym again! I have focused on foods I enjoy and tried to eat in line with the Weston A. Price Foundations guidelines for nutrient dense foods.

Folks, I feel FANTASTIC! I have energy and my mood is pretty good and even. Eating this way makes me feel good but there are two things which I am just AMAZED at. Within the first 48 hours of eating this way 1) it is EASY for me to stop eating when I am full and 2) my sugar cravings are GONE! I am not using my "willpower" at the table, my body doesn't want too much food and it doesn't want 10 pounds of sugar daily. I'm stunned. Stunned.

I will blog later about some of the habits I've begun that help me to stop eating when I've reached satiety but the habits have almost installed themselves. I will also talk about my sugar cravings and current lack there of in a later post. Now since I am fat for both reasons number 1 & 2 I listed above, I have been working on the emotional component to my fat layer (because I soooo have one) and I don't know when or if I will publicly go into details on that. We shall see but for now, dear friends, I am happy, satisfied and feeling good. I may have found the key to the best possible health for me.

Prayers for me in this area of my life are requested and best; happy thoughts and wishes are always appreciated.

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