Monday, January 3, 2011

One Day Down (well, almost down)

Day one of my weight loss diet. It went alright, there were parts that were very tough to get through. I bailed on the "one day at a time" way of thinking and switched to "one minute at at time!" I did manage to follow my plan but I could have made it a bit easier on myself. I did the stupidest thing last night and stayed up way too late watching a movie I didn't even enjoy. I wound up getting only about 5 hours sleep and being that tired makes me....yep, hungry. And not just hungry but hungry for junk and especially sugar. I've read up on on Adrenal Fatigue and I know I have been battling it off and on since my 3rd child was born so I should have known better than to make myself extra tired before I start restricting my diet and cutting out sugar!

But I survived, diet in tact....I did have to use my Parachute Plan already and ate a Balance Bar at 10am to keep myself from going to the best donut shop in Elk Grove but that's what the Parachute Plan is for right? I had to white knuckle it and hit the gas as I pasted the Donut shop but I made it!

I did take "Before" pictures of myself today but I don't really want to post them until there is the first set of "After" pictures. Maybe in 25-30 pounds I'll post pics of Today's lovely photos with some that show my progress. Nobody wants to see just the "Before" do they?

Here are my other stats I measured today that I'm keeping to track my progress:

Weight: 256.5
Waist: 45 inches

I didn't really want to post those beginning stats either without something to show progress but it seems important to be honest about how much I really weigh. I often forget how big I am until my knee starts to hurt or I have to put forth a lot of effort just to get up off the floor. I wasn't this size for the first half of my life and even though I have always been an overweight as an adult most of the time I've averaged about 30-40lbs less than I am now. And then there's always age....I did weigh 250 about 8 years ago and I gotta tell you, it was easier to be this big then! My feet used to hurt but not my back and my knees too! I could get up and down off the floor pretty good 8 years ago. The big 4-O is closing in on me in the next couple of years and being this heavy I'm sure feelin' it!

So, I have Beached Whale Before photos, a starting weight and a waist measurement. I kept true to the diet plan I laid out for myself all day (yee haw!). Now what? Oh, I know, exercise! I do have a plan for that too. I was going to start today but I'm so tired from watching that stupid movie until midnight that my eyes are currently blurring this screen so I think I'll start that up tomorrow....I'll let you know how it goes!

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