Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 Bad! Day 3 Better.....

Yesterday was tough. I barely made it to the end with my diet in tact. But I did it! I felt tired, lethargic and grouchy. I had almost no energy and struggled with a bit of depression. I have bailed on many a diet on Day 2 and yesterday I remembered why. The first day it's exciting, the second day the real work begins. I had so many thoughts rationalizing why I should break my diet. How did I combat them? I prayed. And when I just couldn't take it anymore and thought I might burst I left the house and ran a quick errand for my husband. I sang praise songs in my car and lost myself in God's goodness. I reached out to God and He reached back. I felt so taken care of by our Heavenly Father.

Today was much better. I stepped on the scale this morning for a little encouragement (I usually lose 5-8 pounds in the first week of a diet. I don't try to lose that much in one week it just happens.) Three pounds in 3 days! Not bad, it definitely gave me an emotional boost. But also, I think some of the sugar and rich foods have passed through my system and I was feeling better, not so down.

Three pounds down I haven't even started exercising yet! Well, not officially. I went for a short walk with my daughter (who's 3 so it wasn't a big workout) yesterday. Today, I went for a longer walk while my daughter rode her bike which is more work. In the next few days I will start really exercising. More on that later....

So, I have made it 3 days and counting. I feel good and I think I have a real shot at achieving a healthy weight this time. I've been looking at my Weistory (weight history) and I have learned a lot from looking at my weights and struggles. I think I will blog my weight history soon so I can pick it apart further and learn even more I hope. Learn things about myself that will help in the future as I work towards health.

Signing off for tonight. I have a yummy whole milk yogurt to eat for dessert and then it's off to bed!

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