Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mayday,...mayday...we are going down!

It kinda crept up on me slowly. About 11 am I was hungry. Not that big of a deal, lunch was around the corner but I didn't want to wait too long to eat so I had a snack. Then about 12:30 I wanted to eat again, I didn't feel hungry but I wanted to eat. I decided to wait until I felt hunger to eat. Good plan, right? About 1:30 I felt the burning at my midline that indicated my body would like some fuel. Also, I noticed myself feeling a bit anxious. Let me back up a bit to this morning to explain the anxiety....

This morning I read an article about Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the vaccine controversy. It really upset me and made me feel anxious. I won't go into details but I don't vaccinate my children the same way the AMA recommends and although I stand by that decision, every time I hear arguments on either side of the Vaccination Controversy I have to rehash my decision all over again. So I spent the morning searching the internet and reading articles on the pros and cons of vaccinations. The whole thing left me very anxious and feeling unresolved. I didn't realize until just now how this part of my morning is effecting me now.

Back to I ate lunch, my allotted calories, and still felt hungry. Hungry and anxious. I racked my brain to come up with another alternative to eating more but couldn't. So I ate more of the same thing I ate for lunch. Still hungry and starting to crave sugar soooo, I made Warm Chocolate Soothers for the kids since it's 43 degrees outside and they are walking home from school and....yep, drank some myself. Here were my rationalizations:
  • Chocolate soothers are good for you, it contains protein, low sugar and it's filling.
  • It's a necessary evil for me to feel better.
  • It's okay to fall off the wagon sometimes.
  • I will hop right back on the wagon tonight.
I do feel better now after drinking it and I do think I can go on with my afternoon and get back on track but....I still don't think I handled this very well. As I sit here and type this I realize that I'm actually anxious about a few things currently and feel stuck in a few areas of my life. Maybe a better answer to the anxiety would have been to take action on some things or pray about my worries and give them to God. Hopefully I can remember this next time.

So, 1 fall off the wagon in the first week. It wasn't too bad. I did choose something healthy to fall off with, something that will build up my body instead of tear it down's still a deviation from my plan. Onward and upward! Leave the past here and get back on track!

PS If you have never had a Warm Chocolate Soother give it a try if it fits into your diet plans! It makes 4 servings and per serving contains 270 calories, 8 gms protein, 25% of your daily calcium. By the by I used Sparkpeople to figure out the calories.

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